Other companies shot you down, did not want to maintain complicated web environment, servers broke down?

Trust your web image to us! We are not a regular webhosting company. We will only be glad to provide non-standard solutions, for example, e-shops, storage systems, file exchange web sites etc.


Other companies shot you down, did not want to maintain complicated web environment, servers broke down?

Trust your web image to us! We are not a regular webhosting company. We will only be glad to provide non-standard solutions, for example, e-shops, storage systems, file exchange web sites etc.

SIA “” is a full-service provider of various professional IT & T solutions and unconventional hosting services.


SIA “”

PVN reģ.nr. LV50103250361

Adrese: Kuģu iela 3, Jūrmala, LV-2010

Bankas konts: A/S “Swedbank”

Swift HABALV22

LV44 HABA 0551 0263 1018 4